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Loose Leaf Peppermint Tea

The Power of Peppermint Tea

Perfect peppermint tea; cooling, refreshing and a nice tingling treat to aid digestion and soothe a sore tummy. 

However, Peppermint tea has a wealth of benefits beyond this as well as a few celebrity endorsers, including none other than Victoria Beckham who drinks it all day, every day! She even served it at one of her fashion shows in New York, tweeting ‘Peppermint Tea is the new Champagne’. We digress...

So what exactly is Peppermint tea? Strictly speaking, as a herb, its not a 'proper' tea but instead a tisane. Mint tends to grow abundantly in most places, from window sills to flower beds, thriving in shaded areas.

Peppermint's natural healing properties are derived from the menthol in peppermint oil which is both an antiseptic and anaesthetic, helping to ward off harmful bacteria. 

Peppermint tea is also an amazing muscle relaxant which is why, as a relaxing aid for your stomach muscles, it helps to soothe symptoms like gas and bloating. This muscle relaxing property works all the way down your digestive system, helping to regulate it in its entirety.

Naturally caffeine free, Peppermint tea is a perfect evening brew with those muscle relaxing properties soothing mind and body, helping to alleviate the stress and pressures of your busy day. It is also a godsend when colds, coughs, sore throats, fever and viruses strike, helping to open up your airways - even just the smell of loose leaf peppermint is pleasing to the senses and can help you to breath more freely. However, brewing it also allows it to release the vitamins and nutrients it contains, including vitamin B, potassium and calcium - boosting your immune response to illnesses.

Often used in health and beauty products including toothpaste, menthol's fresh antioxidant properties are able to neutralise unpleasant odours, so a cup of Peppermint tea is a great alternative to refresh your palate after a particularly flavoursome lunch. Drinking it is even thought to help rejuvenate skin, improve mental awareness and focus, ward off nausea and reduce headaches by soothing tension.

We pride ourselves on sourcing the very best, so much so we have never understood the need to blend our pure Peppermint tea with further ingredients, retaining the wonderful flavour mother nature intended. Check it out, together with brewing guidelines, here.

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