builders' brew
Jan 2, 2021
Plastic-Free Tea Bags
Awareness of the excessive presence of plastic in our everyday lives has never been so heightened. Our bags are made from a corn starch material called soilon that we have been using since our tea was first put into pyramid bags back in 2015.
Dec 1, 2018
How to Brew
The world of loose leaf tea can seem a bit prescriptive at times and this can, understandably, put people off. For ease, we provide you with specific brewing instructions for each tea and fruit tisane in our range, both on our online product pages and our packaging. Nonetheless, below are four basic brewing guidelines that we recommend you follow
Apr 21, 2016
Tea in Britain - A Brief History On #nationalteaday
While Brits are renowned worldwide for their penchant for a cuppa, the origins of this tradition are, in historical terms, pretty recent. Here's our very brief history of tea in the UK in honour of National Tea Day today.The Chinese are believed to have been drinking tea for around 5,000 years and far from the British being the first Europeans to bring tea to our continent, it was in fact the Portuguese and the Dutch in 1610!